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William Federer: Onboard
William Federer is no stranger to political history with a backbone of faith. A nationally known speaker, best-selling author and president of Amerisearch, Inc., Bill’s dedication to researching America’s noble history is well established. As is his love...
In Memoriam: Peter J. Eaton, Director
Back in November of 2021, Peter J. Eaton was selected to direct The 1620 Experience. A colleague of Executive Producer, Beth Vickers, Peter had been a part of the 168 Film Festival network having directed multiple short films over the years for the unique Christian...
Chris Ford Onboard
Joining us as one of our first Narrators is Chris Ford. Currently the host of the Whiskey Tango Life podcast, Chris focuses on interviews with individuals that have lived through political hot topics and bring their own personal perspective. Chris was previously...
Cassidy Cash interviews David & Aaron Bradford
If you want to you want to understand Pilgrims, you need to understand what their world looked like. To do that, you also need to understand that the Pilgrims lived in Shakespeare’s England. Want to know more? Then you want to hear from...
Sam Sorbo Joins the Production
Sam Sorbo holds many titles including filmmaker, radio host, actress, international model, author, wife, mother, home school advocate and education activist. She is radio host of nationally syndicated The Sam Sorbo Show, speaks publicly around the country and recently...
Kevin Sorbo: Onboard as Producer & Narrator
Does Kevin Sorbo really need introducing? Let’s focus on the things he’s not as well known for to understand why we are excited to have him with us on The 1620 Experience. Besides his successful career in entertainment, Kevin has always devoted a hearty portion...
Why the Heart Needs More Good, Tested Voices.
Between the shutdown and fact-checking algorithms that restrict news and opinions, it’s easy to feel outvoted in the current conversational environment. Popular voices like Kevin Sorbo and Prager U continue to be censored which limits their audience reach. ...
Want real role models and true heroes? Here’s why you want Pilgrims.
I work for a data company. Big data. We work with marketers to help match their offers with people who are actively searching for them on the big search engines. This sounds intimidating, but here’s why it’s good. Every week, more than 340,000 people...
Creating a Legacy of Truth
It is a common conversation: We are losing our sense of historical truth. Many agree that a large part of the problem is that we aren’t teaching historical truth. Schools have been liberalized and agendas have taken over. But the greater issue may be...
The 1620 Experience
The 1620 Experience is a non-profit mini-series project that aims to raise funds through donations. Your gift today is tax deductible and helps us create this story with excellence. It also acts as vote to show that those of us who value historical truth are not the minority.
We are a fiscally sponsored project of the Christian Ministry Alliance. The Alliance is a U.S. registered 501c3 tax-deductible charity with the Internal Revenue Service and has a Guidestar Gold Seal, placing them in the top 0.5% of nonprofits for transparency and accountability. [Tax ID: 46-3408177]
We are using Giving Fuel, powered by Cornerstone Payment Systems, as our payment processors because these companies support faith-based values.
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